[ Transcriber's note: This text was typed as-is, unusual spellings and all. This text uses a lot of the letter "w", so occasionally it is typeset as "vv". Transcriber's notes are written in brackets, [like this]. A thank-you is due to Lisa Fogelman (Lady Ynes Garcia), who stumbled across this information while looking for early sock knitting instructions.
Please keep in mind that this transcription isn't perfect, and the original receipts probably have errors in them, too. If you figure out how to make some of these braids, or find an error, please let me know. You can download the whole facsimile as a printable pdf file; it is 8.8 megabytes in size.
Finally, it's worth noting that the medical portions of this book are perhaps related to a manuscript entitled "A Booke of diuers Medecines, Broothes, Salues, Waters, Syroppes and Oyntementes of which many or the most part haue been experienced and tryed by the speciall practize of Mrs Corlyon. Anno Domini 1606." which is MS.213 in the Wellcome Library of medical stuff. You can download a copy (57 megabytes) here. Alas, no fingerloop braids in the manuscript! ]
[ title page ]
![]() |
Natura Exenterata:OrNature UnbowelledBy the mostExquisite Anatomizers of Her.
Wherein are contained,
Collected and preserved by several Persons of Quali-
Containing in the whole, One thousand seven
Very necessary for such as regard their Owne Valetudinem tuam cura diligenter. VVhereunto are annexed,
Many Rare, hitherto un-imparted Inventions; for
With an exact Alphabetical Table referring to the several
London, Printed for, and are to be sold by H. Twilford at his shop in
For making Laces.
[ page ii ]
[ page iii ]
A Lace vice of three Colours | ibid |
[ A Lace that is called Vinee ] | [438] |
A Lace Chevron broad, of sixteen bowes | 438 |
The same Lace Compound | ibid |
In the manner of making Laces, you shall understand at the
beginning that the second finger shall be called A, the third
B, the fourth C, and the fifth D, and mark wel when thou taketh
a bow through another, somtime you shall take through
the bow aright, and somtime the reverse.
To take right is to put your finger through a bow, and take
that that is before him, as the common manner is to take, and
in that manner shall you do alwaies, but when the bow asketh
the reverse.
For to take reverse is to take a bow throughout another, and
that behind that bow, as thou dost when thou shalt change a
bow vvith thy fellow, and for that, that when it is taken
through another that is somtimes taken reversed, and somtimes
not reversed.
Also under, and then the bow is taken reversed, when it is
taken in such manner that was before the taking, the taking above
is after the taking beneath.
Somtime reversed, is when it is taken in such manner that
that was before the taking above, is after the taking above:
And somtime is the bow reversed, and somtime turned.
Reversed are, when the party that was afore reversed above,
is now beneath.
Tnrned are when the bows are twice reversed, and that party [Tnrned -> Turned, u flipped]
that vvas afore above, is now above, and if it so be that the
Lace be wrought of two of the fellows, shall ever let him on thy
right hand, and when you shall change your bows uppermost
of your hands next you shall reverse through the overest of
thy hands next, your fellows uppermost bow not reversed of his
hand next to thee. And he shall take thine also not reversed,
and that is called the changing above: And vvhen you shall
change your overmost bows of your farther hand, your fellow
shall take you the reverse throughout his overmost bow of his
further hand, from thee thy overmost bow unreversed of thy
fellows further hand from him, and thou shalt take his unreversed,
and that shall be under all the bows, and that is called
the changing beneath.
[ page 421 ]
And somtime shou shall hayn your bows, and somtime lowen [shou -> thou]
them: hayn them is to set the bow B upon A, and the bow C.
upon B. and the bovv D upon C. Lowen them is to set the bow C.
upon D. and the bow D. upon C. and the bow A. upon B.
1. If you will make a broad Lace of V. bows, take two bows
upon B. C. of thy right hand, and three bows upon A.B.C.
of thy left hand, and then take A. of the right hand through
the bovv B. upon the self hand, and the bovv C. reversed of
the left hand, and then low thy bovvs of thy left hand, and then
shall A. of thy left hand take through the bow B. of the self hand,
the bow C. reversed of thy right hand, and then lovv the
bows of thy right hand and begin again.
2. If thou vvilt make a Lace round of V. bows, look that the
bows be set upon thine hands as is aforesaid, and then shall
A. take of the right hand through B.C. of the self hand, the bow
C. reversed of the left hand, and then low thy bovvs of the left
hand, and then shall A. of the left hand take through B.C. of
the self hand, the bovv C. reversed of the right hand, and then
lovv the bovvs of the right hand, and then begin again.
3. If you vvill make an open Lace, viz. tvvo together of five
bovvs, set upon thy hands, as is said in the round, and then
shall you work as in the round, save in the round the bovv
is taken reversed, and in this it it alwaies taken unreversed,
and then begin again.
4. And if thou wilt make two Laces together, the one of one
colour, the other of another, of V bows, of the which the
half end shall be of one colour, that other of another, and
[ page 422 ]
be thone colour above, the other beneath and finthes work i[t?]
the same manner as is afore said in the open place.
When thou wilt make a round Lace that is called bastuve
of five bowes, be the halvendle of every bow of one colour
and the other of an other, and set thy bowes upon thy
hands, as in the round, now the colour that is above on that
one hand shall be beneath on the other hand, and then work as in
the round afore.
If thou wilt make a broad Lace for Purses of ten bows with
a fellow either of you take five bows as is aforesaid of the
broad lace of five bows, and be they set on the selfe manner
on your fingers, and then worke in the same manner as
in the broad lace aforesaid, and when you have done once with
the right hand, and once with the left hand, and thy fellow also
then shall you change your over bowes of your next hands,
and then begin againe.
Take thou and thy fellow ten bowes of the which the halfe
of every bow be of one colour, and the other of an other
colour and be the bowes set upon your hands in the same manner
as was said in the broad lace afore, but all that one coloure
shall be above upon the next hand, and the other beneath on
the further hands, and then work both with the right hand,
and with the left hand, in manner as is aforesaid of the round
lace of five bowes, and then shall you change the overbowes of
the hands next and begin againe.
Take ten bowes in the selfe manner set on thy hands and on
thy fellows, as is said of the lace bordred, save in this lace
that one colour of all these bowes shall be above, and thother beneath,
and then either of you work once with the right hand, and
once with the left hand, in the manner, as is aforesaid of the
[ page 423 ]
open lace, and then shall you change the over bowes of your
hands next, and the over bowes of your further hands, and
then beginning againe as you did afore till you have all done,
and then shall you have a lace within and other without, and
that one of one colour, that other of another, and that one shall
now be drawn out of that other and therefore it is called a
lace covert.
Take ten bowes of the self manner departed, and in the selfe
manner set upon their hands as it is said of the lace covert,
and be one lace of the greatnesse of the halfe of thy bowes bound
at the one end betwixt thee and thy fellow, and thother end be
bound with thy bowes, and then work of the same manner as
it is said of the lace covert, save when ye shall change the over
bowes of your hands next, ye shall change above the lace,
bound betwixt thee and thy fellow, and when you shall change
the over bowes of your furrther hands, you shall change from
beneath the lace bound betwixt thee and thy fellow, then shall
you have double covert three laces each within other.
Make it of twelve bowes be the halfe of one colour, the other
of another colour, and be three bowes upon B.C.D.
of both thy hands, and of thy fellows also, and be all thone colour
above of both your hands, then take with a right thorow
all thy bowes of the selfe hand, the bowe d: left, and also doe
with thy left hand, and thy fellow do also and work in the same
manner, as in the double covert of ten bowes till thou hast all
Take twelve bowes in selfe manner set on thine hands and thy
fellows, as is said of the coupen covert of twelve bowes, save
that in this lace the colour shall be beneath of the further hands
and the selfe colour above on the next hands, and then work on
the selfe manner, as in the Coupen covert of twelve bowes, save
that the bowes of this lace shall never be reversed.
[ page 424 ]
Let the bowes be all set, and the colours departed on your hands
and on your fellows as is said of the coupen covert of twelve bowes
and then work in the selfe manner save in this lace d. shall be taken
euer reversed and after the change above and beneath, then begin as
afore alwayes.
Take eight bowes of the which four bowes shall be of one colour,
and four of another, and set the four of one colour upon A.B. of
both thy hands, and thother four upon D.C. of both thy hands
and then shall A. right take through his bowes, and the bowes B.C.
D of the selfe hand, the bowe D. reversed of the left hand, and then
shall A. of the left hand take thorow B.C.D. of the selfe hand the
bowe D. reversed of the right hand, aad then low your bowes of the
right hand and begin againe as before, but the bow that was afore
without upon A shall come through the other, and shall dwell upon
A. and that that was afore within shall be upon B.
Take eight bowes, foure of one colour and four of another colour,
and put the one colour be of the one hand, and the other of thother
hand, and then work in the same manner as in the daunce of
eight bowes.
Take twelve bowes of the which the halfe of every bowe be green
& thother half of six bowes be white, and the half of four bowes purple,
and the half of two bows yellow, and be three bowes white above
upon B.C.D. of thy right hand, and two purpure upon B.D. and
one yeallow upon C. of the left hand, and be the right hand of thy fellow
according to thy left hand, and his left hand according to thy right
hand, then shall you take both with your next hands thorrow, B.
C.D. of the selfe hand, and thorow D.C. the further hand, the
bow B. unreversed on the same hand, then change your bowes above
[ page 425 ]
and beneath also, and then shall D. take of the further hand the bow
D. unreversed of the next hand, and shall the bowes be lowed of the
next hands and begin againe.
Doe this lace depown in the selfe manner as is aforesaide
and when thou hast done a portion as much as thee liketh,
reverse then all thy bowes, and work in the selfe manner, and
then shall that one hand another coupen of tuell, and so at every
cowpens end reverse all thy bowes, and then shall all thy
lace be cowpen.
Take twelve bowes in the selfe manner set on thy hands and
departed, and on thy fellows, as in the covert Cheveron,
then shall D. of the right hand take thorow his bowe, and chang
not the bow D. unreversed of thy left hand, and then A. of thy
right hand, shall thorough B.C. of the self hand, take the bowe
D. unreversed of the self hand, and then low thy bowes of the
same hand, and then shall A. take off the right hand thorough
the bowe D. of the left hand the bowes, C.B. of the selfe hand
unreversed, and then heyne the bowes of thy selfe hand upon
B. and then bowe that is more without upon A. of thy right hand
set upon C of the left hand, and that that was more within set
upon D. of the left hand, and in selfe manner do thy fellows
with his right hand as thou dost with thy left hand, and then
change your bowes above and beneath.
Doe in the same manner as is aforesaid, and when thou hast
a cowpen long inough reverse all thy bowes and do in the
selfe manner as is aforesaid, and so at the end of every cowpen
reverse all thy bowes, and so shall thou have all the lace compound.
[ page 426 ]
Take twelve bowes in the selfe manner departed, and in self
manner set upon thine hands, and upon thy fellows, as in
covert Cheveron, save the white party of the next hand shall be
beneath, and then shall A. of thy right hand take thorough B.
C.D. of thy left hand, the bowe D. reversed of thy left hand,
and A. of thy left hand shall take thorough B.C. of the left
hand the bow D. reversed of thy right hand, and then the selfe
manner shall thy fellow do, and then shall you change your
bowes above and beneath, and begin againe.
Doe in the same manner as is aforesaid, and when thou hast
a portion as much as thee liketh, reverse then all thy bowes
and do as is said afore and so at the end of every cowpen reverse
all thy bows, and begin againe.
Take twelve bowes in the selfe manner departed, and in the
selfe manner set on thy hands and on thy fellows, as in the
cowpen covert of twelve bowes, save in this the colour that is
above on your right hands shall be beneath on your left hands,
and in the same manner shall you work as in the cowpen covert
of twelve bowes save the bowes shall never be reversed.
Take twelve bovves in the selfe manner departed and set on
your hands as in the covert cheveron, and be tvvo above
purpure upon B.D. and on yellovv above upon C. of thy hand
and three vvhite above, upon B.C.D. of thy fellovvs left hand,
and three bovves of Tuells above upon B.C.D. of your both
righthands, and then vvork in the self manner, as in the covvpen
covert of tvvelve bovves, save the bovves shall never be
here reversed, and so shalt thou have tvvaine bastuves covert,
and tvvo bastuves rayed of one yellovv betvvixt tvvo purpures
with the champ vvhite.
[ page 427 ]
Take tvvelve bovves in the selfe manner departed and set
upon your hands; as in the lace covert de cheveron, save
thy fellovvs right hand shall accord to thy right hand and his
left hand to thy left hand, and then shall you vvork in the selfe
manner as in the covvpen covert of tvvelve bovves save that the
bovves shall never be reversed.
Without a fellovv make them, and be tvvo bowes upon B.
C. of thy right hand, and two sundry bowes upon A. of
thy left hand and other tvvo sundry, upon B. of thy left hand
and one upon C. of the same hand, and then shall you take vvith
A. of thy right hand thorough B.C. of the selfe hand, the bovv
that is uttermost upon B. left unreversed, and B. right shall
take the bovve utterest upon B. left unreversed, and thorough
the left bovve A. right shall take the bovve C. left unreversed.
And take good care that the bovves that are on any finger
meng them not, and then lovve thy bovves of thy left hand, and
then shalt thou take vvith A. of thy left hand thorough B.C. of
the selfe hand, the Bovv that is uttermost upon B. right
reversed, and B. left, shall take the bovve that is uttermost
upon A. right unreversed, and thorough that selfe bovve
A. left shall take the bovve C. unreversed of the right hand,
and lovv thy bowes, and then begin againe.
Doe in selfe manner as is aforesaid save that never a bovve
shall be taken reversed, and if the bowes be departed that
one shall be of one colour and thother of an other.
Let all thy bowes be departed and set upon thy hands as is
aforesaid, and then work in the selfe manner and what
time thou hast but two bowes upon thy one hand thou shalt
turne the over bow of the selfe hand, so that the selfe colour
that was afore the turning above is after the turning beneath.
[ page 428 ]
Doe in the selfe manner as is aforesaid, and when tho hast
a good cowpen reverse all thy bowes and begin againe.
Doe in the said manner as in the round lace party, save that
in the round lace partie, thou turnest the over bowes of
both thy hands, and in thy nether not but the over bow of that
one hand.
Take seven bowes of one colour and thy fellow seven of an
other colour, and be the bowes set upon your hands as in the
lace of seven bowes, save that he shall have but two bowes of
the left hand, and then work both as in the lace of seven bowes,
and when there be but two bowes on thy further hand from thy
fellow thou shalt turne thy over bow of the selfe hand and thy
fellow shall not turne, and when there be but two bowes on thy
hands, next then shalt thou change thine ovvn bovves, so that
after the changing you have againe thy seven bovves, and thy
fellovv his seven.
Set fourteen bovves departed upon your hands as in the lace
ray, and be all that one colour above up on thine hands, and
the selfe colour beneath upon thy fellovvs hands, and then
vvork in the selfe manner as in the raylace.
Take fourteen bovves in the self manner set upon your hands
as in the lace ray, and then vvorke in the same manner as in
the lace ray, and over that vvhen there be but tvvo bovves upon
your farther hands thy fellovv shall turne the bovve upon
the selfe hand as vvell as thy left hand, and vvhen the lace is
made do another vvith in, and then shall it be both quarte and
[ page 429 ]
Doe in the same manner as is aforesaid, and when thou hast a
good cowpen reverse all thy bowes and begin againe.
Take eight bowes, four of one colour and foure of another, and be
all that one colour upon that one hand, and thother colour upon
thother hand, and then shall A right change with D. left, and B.
right with C. left, and C. right with B: left, and D. right with A.
left and begin againe.
Take eight bowes of one colour set upon A.B.C.D. of both
thine hands and then A. right thorough his bowe shall change
with A. left reversed, and in the selfe manner B. right with B.
left, and C. right with C. left, and D. right with D. left, and do
so thrice, and then shall A. right change with B. left and B.
right with A. left and C right with D. left, and D. right with
C. left, and then shall A. change with A.B. and A.B. with B C:
and B.C: with C.D. and C.D. with B. other thrice, and then shall
B. right change with C. left and C. right with B. left, and then
beginne againe.
Doe in selfe manner as is aforesaid in the maskell, and
when B: right hath changed with C. left, and C. right with
B. left, then shall the bowe B. left, be set upon B. right, and C.
left upon C. right, and then A. right shall change with D. left,
and D. right with A. left, and then B.C. of the selfe hand shall
take againe her bowes, and then shall you begin as afore till the
lace is made, and then do another within that lace, that is of another
colour, and then shall it be fret.
Take seven bowes of Duve colour, and be four bowes upon A
B.C.D. left, and three bowes upon B-C.D. right, and then
[ page 430 ]
shall A. right take to reverse thorow the bowe B. of the selfe
hand, and under all thother bowe the bowes A. reversed of the
left hand, and then hye the left bowes, and then shall D. of the
left hand take the bow of the right hand not reversed, and then
low the bowes of the right hand and begin againe as afore,
and this same lace may be made of six bowes, but then shall no
bowe be upon D. left.
If you like to make this lace the one to turne of one colour
thother of another be all the bowes departed, and that one
colour of all the bowes be above and then work in the self manner
as is aforesaid.
When thou wilt make this lace coupen. Take seven bows
as afore with six departed, and in selfe manner set as
in the cowlace, and work in the same manner, save that the bow
A. left shall be taken unreversed, and when you have a good
portion reverse your bowes and begin againe.
Set four bowes of one colour upon A.B.C.D. left and all
thother upon A.B.C.D: right, and in the selfe manner upon
thy fellows hands and then shall you both work with your
left hands till that the four bows of one colour be come upon
A.B.C.D. right of thy fellow, but you must afore every reversing
change your over-bowes of your next hands, and then
shall you work both with the right hands as you did before with
the left hands till the foure bowes of one colour be come againe
upon A.B.C.D. left and then begin againe:
Take eight bowes, foure bows of one colour upon thone hand
and four of another colour upon the other hand, and then
shall A. right take thorough his bowes B.C:D. and D.C.B.
left, the bow A unreversed of the left hand, and then hye thy
bowes of the left hand, and then shall D. left take the bowe D.
right, and then low thy bowes right, so that the bowe that was
taken thorough that other dwell upon A. and that that was upon
A. be upon B. and then reverse all thy bowes, and beginne again.
[ page 431 ]
Be thy right hand according to thy fellows right hand and
thy left hand to his left hand, and then shall you work
both as in the lace bend of eight bowes, and a afore the reversing
of your bowes you shall change your over bowes of your
hands next, and then reverse your bowes and begin againe.
Take sixteen bowes, eight bowes of one colour, and eight of
another colour, and be four of one colour set upon A.B. of
thy right hand, and C.D. of thy left hand and four of another
colour, upon C.D. of thy right hand, and A.B. of thy left
hand, and be the right hand of thy fellows according to thy left
hand, and his left hand to thy right hand, and then shall you
take both with A. of your hands next thorough.
Take sixteen bowes set upon thy hands, and on thy fellows as
is aforesaid, and then work in the selfe manner as in that other
lace, and when you have changed your over bowes of your
next hands, you shall change your over bowes of your
further hands, and then reverse all your bowes and begin againe.
Take sixteen bowes of the which foure be green, foure redd,
foure white, and foure black, and be the foure green upon
A.B. of your next hands and foure red upon D.C. of the left
hands, and four white upon D.C. of your further hands, and
four black upon A.B. of the self hands, and then shall you work
in the selfe manner as in the cheveron broad, till that the green
be upon A.B. of your further hands, and then work in the selfe
manner with A, of the further hands as ye did with A, of your
next hands and then begin again as before.
Doe in the selfe manner as in the lace penne de pound, but
when ye have changed your over bowes of your next hands
ye shall change your over bowes of your further hands, and
then reverse all thy bowes and begin againe.
[ page 432 ]
Take foure bowes of one colour and four of another, and be
all that one colour upon A.B: of both thy hands and thother
colour upon C.D. of both thy hands, and then shall you take
with A. of the right hand thorough D.C.B. of th[ ]t hand, ["the left"?]
the bow A. unreversed of the selfe hand and then hie thy bows
left, and the left bowe so taken set upon D. left and after shalt
thou take with A. left thorow D.C.B. right the bow A. right unreversed,
and then hye thy right bowes and set the selfe bow upon
D. right, and then shall D. right change his bowe with D.
left and then reverse all thy bowes and begin againe.
Take eight bowes, and do in the selfe manner, as afore in the
broad of eight bowes but when D. right hath changed with D
left, then shall A: right change with A. left, and that under all
the other bowes and begin againe.
Take sixteen bowes of which eight be of one colour, and eight
of another, and be all that one colour upon A:B. of both
thy hands, and on both the hands of thy fellows, and that other
colour upon C D. of both your hands, and then shall you chang
your over bowes of your hinder hands, and then work in the
selfe manner, as in the Cheveron broad of eight bowes and
begin againe.
Set your bovves upon your hands as in the ovvnd broad, and
vvork also in the selfe manner, save ye shall change here
your over bovves of your further hands, and begin againe.
[ page 433 ]
Take foure bowes of one colour, and four of another, and be
that one colour upon A. B. of both thine hands, and that other
colour upon C.D. of both thine hands, and then shall A.
right take thorow B.D. of the left hand, the bow A of the selfe
hand unreversed, and then hie thy bowes of the left hand, and
then set the selfe bowe taken upon D. left, and then shall A.
left take thorough D C. of the right hand the bowe A. right unreversed,
and then hye the bowes right, and then set the selfe
bowe taken upon D. right, and then D. right shall change his
bowe with D. left and then reverse all thy bowes, and begin
againe as afore, till when the selfe colour be come againe upon
A.B. of both thy hands, and that shall be when thou hast done
foure fithes as is said afore, and then shall A. right take thorow
his bowe, and B.C: of the self hand, and then low thy bowes
right by, so that the bowe taken dwell upon A. and that was upon
A. be set upon B. and then shall A. left take thorough his
bowe and B.C. of the left hand the bowe D. unreversed of the
selfe hand, and then low thy left bowes so be that the bowe taken
dwell upon A. and that that vvas upon A: be set upon B. and
then shall D. right change his bovve vvith D. left, and then reverse
all thy bovves, and begin againe, till that the selfe colour
be come againe as afore upon A.B: of both thy hands, and that
shall be vvhen thou hast done other foure fythes nethervvard,
and other foure fythes overvvard, changing among like as is aforesaid.
Take eight bowes of the vvhich two be of one colour, and
six of another, and be the sixth of one colour upon A.B.
C. of both thy hands, and the other two upon D. of either hand,
and then work in the self manner as in the Sawter, but when D.
right hath changed his bow with D. left, then shall A. right
change his bow with A. left, and that under all the other bows.
[ page 434 ]
Take eight bowes, six of one colour and two of another,
and in the self manner set upon thy hands as in the croisle,
work them in the self manner as in the Sawter, save that in
the Sawter thou takest but four fythes thine over bows downward,
and four fythes upward, and in this Lace thou shalt
take thine over bows eight fythes downward, and thy lower
bows eight fythes upward.
Take sixteen bows, eight of one colour and eight of another,
and be all the bows set upon thine hands, and thy fellows as
in the Lace Ownd, and then work both in the self manner as
in the Sawter, save that when D. right hath changed with D
left his bow, then shall you change your over bows of your
hinder hands and further hands, then reverse all your bows and
begin again as afore.
Take sixteen bows of the which eight be of one colour, and
eight of another, and be they set upon your hands as in
the Lace Ound, and then shall you work both as in the double
Losenge, save that you shall not change the over bows of your
further hands.
Take sixteen bows, of the which be eight black, four white,
and four yellow, and be four black upon A B. of the right
hand, and C.D. of thy left hand, and two white upon A.B.
of thy left hand, and two yellow upon C.D. of thy right hand
and be thy right hand according to thy fellows left hand, and
his left hand to thy right hand, and then work both in the self
manner as in the Lace enlewed, you shall work six fythes with
your hinder hands, and other six fythes with your further
hands, and in this Lace you shall not work but four fythes
with both your hands.
[ page 435 ]
Take sixteen bows of such colour as in the Lace boss, and in
the self manner set upon your hands, and then work in the
self manner as in the Lace boss, save you shall change your
over bows of your further hands:
Of two colours bene two bows set in the stead of yellow, and
then work in the self manner as in the Lace Uliet Vinee,
and then shall you make uliet boss of two colours.
Take sixteen bows, eight white, four purpure, and four red.
and be the two upon A.B. of thy right hand, and two red upon
D.C. of thy left hand, and four white upon A.B: left, and
C.D. right, and the right hand of thy fellow be according to
thy left hand, and his left hand according to thy right hand,
and then work both in the self manner as is aforesaid, in the
Croise Uliet, and when D. right hath changed with D. left,
then shall you change your over bows of your next hands, and
then reverse all your bows and begin again.
Do in the self manner as afore, and when you have changed
your overbows of your hinder hands, you shall change
your overbows of your further hands, and begin again as before.
Take sixteen bows of all such colours, and the self manner set
on your hands as in the Lace Ound, and then work both
as in the Sawter, save in that you take your over bows four
fythes downward, and four fythes upward, and in this you
[ page 436 ]
shall take but twice downward, and twice upward, and after
that the right D. hath changed his bow vvith A. left, then shall
you change your over bowes of your next hands and of your
further hands also, and then shall you reverse all your bows
and begin again.
Do in the selfe manner as afore, save that you shall not
change your over bows of your further hands.
Take sixteen bows of all such colours as in the Ownd Lace,
and in the self manner set on your hands as in the Ownd
Lace, and then shall you work both as in the fret uliet broad,
save in the fret one colour is alwaies taken, and in this that one
colour shall always be taken, till vvhen you have changed
your over bows of your hinder hands eight fythes and then
shall that other colour be taken till that you have changed your
over bows of your further hands other eight fythes, and then
begin again.
Take eight bows, four white, two red, and two black, and
be the four vvhite set upon A.B.C.D. right, and the two red
upon A.B. left and the tvvo black upon C.D. left, and then
shalt thou take D. right unreversed thorovv A.B.C.D. left, and
set it upon A. left, and then reverse all thy bovves, and then
shalt thou take C. right unreversed thorovv. A.B.C.D. left and
D. right and set it upon A. left and reverse all thy bovves, and
then shalt thou take B. right unreversed thorovv, A.B.C.D. left
and D.C. right and set it upon A. left, and then reverse all thy
bovves and then shalt thou take A right thorovv, A.B.C.D. left
and D.C.B. right, and then reverse all thy bovves, and then
shalt thou vvork vvith thy right as thou didst vvith thy left
hand, and so shall you doe all the bovves at every bovv, taking of
both thine hands, and on this manner shall you take first of the
left hand and then of the right hand the bovve D. thorough A.
B.C.D. and then vvith the selfe hand the bovve C. thorough A.
[ page 437 ]
B.C.D. and D. right, and then B. thorow, A.B.C.D.
and D.C. right, and then A thorough A.B.C.D. and D.C.B.
right, and so take thy bowes till thou hast so donne.
Take four bows of one colour set upon B.C. right and B.C.
left, and a bow of another colour upon D. right, and a bow
black upon A. left, and take with A. right thorough B.C. right
the bowe C. left reversed, and then low thy bowes B. left, and
then with B. left with C. left take the bowe C. right reversed,
and then A. left shall change with D. right.
Take either of you six bowes of divers colours, and set upon
your hands as aforesaid in the lace grive and then do both [lace green?]
as is aforesaid once, and then shall you set your overmost bowes
of your next hands upon your further hands; and then shall ye
change the bowes that then are overmost upon the hands next,
and then shall you take again your bowes that you set upon
your further hands, and then begin againe.
Take six bowes white, and four black, and two bowes departed,
that one side black, and the other yellow, then set three white
upon B.C.D. right and two black upon B.D. left and one
bow departed upon C. left, and also do thy fellow, save that thy
left hand shall be like to his right hand, and his left hand to
thy right hand, and then reverse thy bowes right and take with
A. right thorough B.C.D. right the bowe D. left and also doe
thy fellow and afterward low both your bowes left and take then
with B. left his bow A. right, and he shall take with B. left thy
bowe A. right, and look that it be under all the bowes, and
then begin againe, and this lace shall be a vice when you have
made a coupen this manner work, then with your let hand,
as you did with your right, till when you have another coupen
and then shall you have a faire vice.
[ page 428 ]
Take eight bowes tow bowes of one colour that be set upon A.
B. of the left hand, and six of another colour of the which
two be set upon D.C. left and foure upon A.B.C.D. right, and
then shall you take thorow A.B.C.D. left, and D.C.B. right,
the bow A. right unreversed, and then hye thy bowes of thy
right hand, and then shall D. of thy right hand take the bowe
D. left unreversed, and then low thy bowes left, so that the
bowe that that was taken thorough thother dwell upon A. and
that that that was before on A. be upon on B. of of the left hand
and then reverse all thy bowes and begin again till that two
bowes of one colour be upon A.B. right, and then work in the
selfe manner with thy right as is aforesaid, till that two bowes of
one colour be come againe on thy left hand, and then begin againe:
Take eight bowes halfe of one colour, and eight halfe of another
colour that be departed, and eight halfe of another
third colour, set then the eight bowes of one colour upon A.B.
right and left of thee and of thy fellow, and the eighth of that
other colour upon C.D. right and left of thee and thy fellow,
and be your hinder hands of the selfe colour beneath, take then
with a right thorow all the bowes of the selfe hands the bowe D
left, and then bowe thy bowes left. Take then with A. left
thorough all the bowes of the selfe hand, the bowe D. right and
then lowe thy right bowes by, so the bowe A. that is more without
be set upon B. and that other shall dwell upon A. and also
do thy fellow, and then shall ye change your bowes A. of the next
hands, and then begin againe, and in this manner do yet till it
be full wrought, but look alway that D. in the taking be reversed
and this lace shall be a cheveron with a border on both
halfe and also rayed.
When you have made one good cowpen, reverse all your bowes
and work as afore, till you have made another cowpen, and
then reverse againe all your bowes, and begin againe:
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Transcribed and Webbed by Greg Lindahl